Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Google Scholar Metrics

Google Scholar, the Google produced search method for scholarly journals and publications, has a new way of tracking publication metrics.  Google Scholar Metrics for publications gives an indexed look at the publishers and figure out which publishers are cited the most.  Google Scholar Metrics will allow the searcher to find publishers that are well respected in any given field of research.  As an example here are the Top 100 Google Scholar publishers.

So I naturally want to see what Google thinks of some of the fields that I find interesting and useful.

Operations Research
  1.  European Journal of Operational Research
  2.  Computers & Operations Research
  3.  Operations Research
  4.  Journal of the Operational Research Society
  5.  Annals of Operations Research
Machine Learning
  1. The Journal of Machine Learning Research
  2. Annual International Conference on Machine Learning
  3. Machine Learning
  4. European Conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases
  5. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Applied Statistics
  1. The Annals of Applied Statistics
  2.  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
  3.  Journal of Applied Statistics
  5.  International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Management Science
  1.  Management Science
  2.  Pest Management Science (????)
  3.  Health Care Management Science
  4.  Conflict Management and Peace Science (????)
  5.  Computational Management Science

The Management Science category looks like it needs a lot of work.  I didn't know there were so many other forms of Management Science.  I guess that it is too generic of a term and the age old debate continues.