Tuesday, June 9, 2009

PyMathProg releases version 0.14

The developer of PyMathProg released version 0.14 today. Here is the news from the developer...

This release enables solver options, and you can actually utilize different methods to solve your problems. If you wish, you can now setup pymprog into your python onsite packages. You can either download the zip or the tgz archive. Documentations are also online at:http://pymprog.sf.net
PyMathProg is a Python reincarnation of GLPK and the GNU MathProg modelling language. The Python programming language is simpler to use than most languages and a quick learning curve.


d.alan.ridgeway said...

I was about to update to 1.4 on my Windows machine and I now see Version 2.0 is released.


Posted By: lanyjie
Date: 2009-06-15 15:38
Summary: PyMathProg 0.2 released!

With more than 80% of code rewritten, this release is much better and mature now. New features are also added, such as parameterized bounds with automatic updates, access to primal/dual values of constraints. Please find more at http://pymprog.sf.net/What is PyMathProg?=======================PyMathProg: easy GLPK in Python!PyMathProg is a Python reincarnation of AMPL and GNU MathProg modeling language, implemented in pure Python, connecting to GLPK via PyGLPK. Create, optimize, report, change and re-optimize your model with Python, which offers numerous handy goodies.

larrydag said...

Thanks for the update!