Monday, July 2, 2012

Popularity of R continues

No doubt those that read my blog know that the tools I use to do my Industrial Engineering and Operations Research work heavily rely on the open source side of software.  That is why I try to support as many open source projects such as COIN-OR, GLPK, and OpenOpt.  One tool that I love to perform Applied Math and Statistics is the statistical computing platform R.  So it comes as no surprise that I like to see how R is growing and its popularity among programmers.

A recent blog from RedMonk produced results of a programming language popularity study.  The study involved ranking popularity using common social media online sites such as Stack Overflow and GitHub.  These sites draw in a lot of programmers for their popularity around Q&A and code review.  I was surprised to see that R ranks highly compared to some very prominant programming languages.

Also interesting to note that the only other "Data Science" type of programming language I could find was Matlab.  As far as I could tell SAS, S, SPSS, Stata are still rather popular but apparently not among the programming community.


Paul A. Rubin said...

I'm encouraged by R's position on the graph, but three things to keep in mind. First, I don't think SAS, SPSS etc. have APIs, so not much reason GitHub users would mention them. Second, I think only SAS has anything resembling a programming language. Third, again possibly excepting SAS users who write procs, I'm not sure that users of the commercial stat packages would know about, let alone frequent, StackOverflow.

All that said, R's spot on the graph clearly suggests it's not just a "niche" product.

mic said...

Activities like this probably skew the numbers:

larrydag said...

mic, Agreed that definitely skews the results. Yet it does tell a couple of things. 1. That there is a vibrant community big enough to propogate this activity 2. The vibrant community is willing to promote and help the cause

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